Monday, April 8, 2013

I've come to realize that Peppermint is like Crack to a Donkey...

I've created a monster.   Thanks to my friend Nancy at work, I bought some of those soft 'King Leo' peppermint candies and we use that as a small treat for the donks.   Well let me tell you, you would have thought I had just imported something really special from South America what with the way they come running for them.

I make sure that I always get the first one and the last one for myself (I want to keep Pancho and Lefty in their place in the pecking order in the pack (tongue firmly planted in cheek there)) and I will give them each 1 or 2 peppermints when I go out to the fence to see them in the evening.   Pancho (who we refer to as the 'special' donkey because of his shyness) has taken to craning his neck way out over the fence in order to receive his treat.  After we are done with the treats they continue to smell my hands looking for another sweet morsel, and if I put the wrappers in my pants pocket, they smell my leg and look for more.

We don't give them sweet feed but about every other day or so, as we don't want them to over indulge,  because Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers don't have weight loss plans for donkeys.  The peppermint was supposed to be a little 'Amuse-Bouche' (a small bite sized appetizer) in between their feedings, but Lefty creates a loud ruckus lumbering across the pasture toward the fence and his little treat.  They are truly like junkies for it.

I hope there isn't ever a peppermint shortage.  I might just be in trouble.

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